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First Things First

Context Free is free and made available under the Gnu Public License.

If you really like it, we'd like you to donate US$20 to the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Download & Install

Version 3.3 (April 2020) is the current release.


Context Free 3.3 (v45) (4.8MB) (signature) for Windows Vista and later. The download file is an executable installer, just run it. This is a local installer that will install Context Free in your ApplicationDataLocal folder. .NET Framework 4.5 is required to run Context Free. The installer will warn you if you don't have .NET 4.5. Receipts 1 6 3 – smart document collection tracker. Windows should prompt you to download .NET 4.5 if you do not have it.

Support for generating QuickTime is now optional and bundled separately from the main installer. If you want to generate QuickTime movie output then you must download and install FFmpeg for Context Free (v4.2.2 33.8MB) (signature). The FFmpeg ffplay utility is used to preview QuickTime movies. This is a simple video player controlled by keystrokes. Instructions for controlling ffplay are here.

Windows Command-Line Version

The installer also installs a command-line version of Context Free, called ContextFreeCLI.exe. It is identical to the Unix command-line version, cfdg, except that it uses Windows/DOS command syntax:

instead of

Macintosh OS X

Context Free 3.3 (v49) (2.7MB) (signature) for macOS 10.9 and later. Just copy the application from the disk image to your Applications folder. PowerPC and 32-bit x86 support has been dropped, as has support for macOS 10.8 and earlier.

Posix / Unix / BSD / Linux

The easiest way to get Context Free on Gnu Linux systems is to install the contextfree package. This should get you version or version 3.1. Version 3.3 has been uploaded to Debian but it will take a while for it to make it into the various distributions, as it depends on a new version of libagg2.

If you don't have access to the contextfree package or require version 3.3 then download the source code and build it using make. You will need a C++14 compiler, Gnu Flex (not lex), Gnu Bison 3.0, and the libpng graphics library (not just runtime support, the developer package). Most of this should be installed or easily available on any modern operating system distribution. See the README.txt file in the source for build and run instructions:

ContextFree 3.3 gzip compressed tarball (v33) (4MB) (signature)

ContextFree 3.3 xz/LZMA2 compressed tarball (v33) (2.7MB) (signature)

Purusha suktam sanskrit pdf download. ContextFree 3.3 compressed zip file (v33) (4.7MB) (signature)

The lastest developer release can be obtained from the Git repository at Github:

This release can be obtained by checking out the Version3.3 tag.

Known Issues

  • none

Change Log

V3.3 - April 2020

  • Color blending modes using a new blend adjustment have been added. They work like the CSS color blendng modes except that hue, saturation, color, and luminosity modes are not provided. The Porter-Duff Clear, Plus, and Xor compositing modes have also been added, as they seemed useful.
  • Gallery upload logic updated to work with the updated gallery.
  • Animation preview can now loop the animation.
  • Command-line version can now invoke a display executable to view png, svg, or QuickTime output. This facilitates integration of Context Free with editor tools. A cfdg build system for Sublime Text on a Mac might look like:

Bug fixes:

  • Animation of tiled/frieze designs did not work if the design used the ftime() or frame() functions.

V3.2 - August 2019

  • The command-line version now has the ability for variables, configuration variables, and user functions to be declared at the command line.
  • Mac: Ready for macOS Catalina … I think. Catalina betas have been acting strange. I will monitor as updates occur.
  • Win: Gallery download now works for Windows. Just drag a gallery design link or download link from your browser to the rendering panel on Context Free and it will open a new tab with the downloaded cfdg file. (On the Mac you drag the URL from the browser to the Context Free icon in the dock).

Bug fixes:

  • Mac: Render Sized and Animate a Frame user interface elements sometimes lose user changes.
  • Mac: If the computer is not connected to the internet then the Gallery Upload sheet reports network failure before you click on the Upload button.
  • Win: Gallery upload dialog was trying to upload to the wrong server.
  • Win: Gallery upload dialog crashes Context Free if it cannot connect to the server (which is all the time).

V3.1 - January 2019

  • The bare bones cfdg text editor has been replaced by the Scintilla text editor component.
  • Uploads to the gallery via the new API.
  • Command-line version can parse cfdg files and output the abstract syntax tree as JSON.
  • The action bar at the top of the window has more capabilities.
  • Gallery uploader uses version 4 Creative Commons licenses.
  • Gallery uploader lets you set design tags during the upload, with auto-completion for using existing tags.
  • Support macOs Mojave dark mode.
  • All Unicode characters are normalized. For example, 'È' is the same whether it is represented by U+00C8 or by U+0301 followed by 'E'.

Bug fixes: File optimizer 2 01.

  • Mac OS9 line endings are supported.
  • Examples can be included/imported into version 2 or version 3 cfdg files.
  • Ill-formed cfdg files should not crash Context Free.
  • Typos in example cfdg files fixed.
  • Mac: Saving (or uploading) a tiled image on a retina mac produces a PNG file that is the expected size.
  • Mac: Gallery upload dialog works even if you do not already have a saved username/password.
  • Mac: Works with macOs Mountain Lion (10.8).

V3.0.11.4 - June 2017 (Posix / Unix / BSD / Linux only)

Bug fixes:

  • Mac OS9 line endings are supported.
  • Examples can be included/imported into version 2 or version 3 cfdg files.
  • The missing shape rule error message now says where the problem is.

V3.0.11.3 - June 2017

  • Makefile updated to match Debian conventions.

Bug fixes:

  • Mac: Crash on rendering files with errors.
  • Mac: Render sub-window collapsed or set to a random size.
  • CF::AllowOverlap was not being processed at the right time to suppress overlap warnings.
  • Makefile failing to work in many situations.

V3.0.11 - June 2017

  • Animation has changed from an output save option to a first-class operation. You do not need to render first to generate a movie. Instead, select the Animate command from the Render menu. You will be shown a preview of the movie.
  • Individual movie frames can also be rendered, for testing. Select Animate Frame command from the Render menu, or use the --frame option on the command line.
  • Windows, command-line: Movie output now uses the H.264 or the ProRes format. Support for Apple Animation codec is removed.
  • Windows: User interface has been updated to a more modern look.
  • Mac: Some open-source code with an insufficiently free license has been replaced with completely free code. This should satisfy a Debian bug filed on Context Free.
  • A variable named π (pi) has been defined with the expected value. An entry in the Insert Character submenu has been added.
  • It is now possible to multiply or divide a vector by scalar value and each element will be multiplied or divided by that value. Vectors can also be multiplied by divided by vectors of the same size; element by element multiplication or division will result.
  • command line: The example cfdg files have been embedded in the command-line version, just as they are in the GUI versions. They can be imported into other designs in any version.

Bug fixes:

  • Improperly terminated comments could cause Context Free/cfdg to hang.
  • A spurious error, 'Invalid UTF-8 encoding: ASCII null character', can be reported for valid cfdg input if a shape name is the very last token in a cfdg file.
  • Cfdg files that only have FILL shapes in them and no SQUAREs, CIRCLEs, TRIANGLEs, or paths will fail to draw anything.
  • A dependency on Bison 3.03 was accidentally introduced. Context Free/cfdg is supposed to depend on Bison 2.5.

V3.0.10 - January 2017

  • Uploading from Context Free now uses HTTPS instead of HTTP, which now requires. Context Free also stores your password encrypted.

Bug fixes:

  • Shape adjustments of the form x expr1 y expr2 are not evaluated correctly if expr2 is random or depends on a shape parameter and expr1 does not.
  • The case values in switch statements are supposed allow for arbitrary constant expressions, but anything except an integer constant produces an error.
  • fixed (command-line): Sometimes crashes while generating animation output.

v3.0.9 - May 2015

Context Free Meaning

  • New random distribution functions added.

Bug fixes:

  • Crashes when there is a typo in a function name
  • Crashes when shapes or paths take rules as parameters under certain esoteric conditions
  • Perfectly symmetric self-intersecting paths will get silently dropped.
  • Symmetry groups pm, pg, pmg, and cm are broken.

v3.0.8 - June 2014

  • Errors that occur during SVG file output are reported to the user. Previously they were silent.

Bug Fixes:

  • OS X: Some automatic text substitutions are occurring in the cfdg edit box. The proper subtraction operator is being converted to an m-dash.
  • Windows: SVG files cannot be saved.

v3.0.7 - May 2014

Bug Fixes:

  • OS X: Random crash while rendering tiled cfdg files
  • Parser error confuses the colon in switch statement case and else bodies with the colons used for namespaces.

v3.0.6 - February 2014

  • The maximum length for vectors is increased from 9 to 99.

Bug Fixes:

  • A memory leak can fill memory with parameter blocks, causing Context Free to crash.
  • Modification terms of the form x 1 1n get silently converted to zn. The x 1 1 gets dropped.
  • Transform and clone statements with non-constant symmetry arguments cause Context Free to crash
  • Configuration variables that depend on global variables fail if the global variable is not constant
  • Windows: Color calculator generates incorrect CFDG code in locales where the decimal mark is a comma.
  • Windows: Incorrect text (or no text) in some dialog fields can trigger an uncaught exception.

v3.0.5 - January 2013

  • Variable name shadowing rules have been relaxed. A variable can have the same name as a variable in an outer level of scope.
  • Windows: Performance improved for designs with many shapes.
  • Windows: Context Free properly registers for handling cfdg files.
  • Two-value color targets and stateful color targets can be used together in the same version 2 cfdg file.

Big fixes:

  • Crash when parsing version 2 paths.
  • User interface hangs for designs with many, many shapes.
  • User interface hangs for designs with very long running rules.
  • Negative brightness, saturation, and alpha adjustments work correctly in adjustment variables and parameters.
  • Crash when closing a window that had temporary files associated with it on OS X.
  • FILL primitive shape is no longer duplicated by CF::Symmetry operations.
  • Makefile references libm.
  • Crash when multiplying output vertically (Posix and Windows CLI).

v3.0.4 - December 2012

  • User interface hangs have been fixed for designs with many, many shapes
  • User interface hangs have been fixed for designs with very long running rules
  • Variable name shadowing rules have been relaxed. A variable can have the same name as a variable in an outer level of scope.
  • W:Performance improved for designs with many shapes
  • W:Context Free properly registers for handling cfdg files.

v3.0.3 (Windows only) - November 2012

  • Works with Windows 8
  • Windows GUi and CLI versions now generate random variations
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v3.0.2 - October 2012

  • Switched to ffMPEG version 1.0
  • Command line versions can now properly stream output to standard out, even a stream of animation frames to ffMPEG

Bug fixes:

  • Unix version does not center uncropped images.
  • Crashes on OS X versions other than Mountain Lion.

v3.0.1 - September 2012

Bug fixes:

  • Functions with vector arguments don't work
  • let() function inside a user function fails
  • Windows command-line version reports the wrong version number
  • Memory corruption occurs if the background is not opaque, results in random errors
  • Visible seams on tiled images that have very small shapes at the tile edge
  • Variations totally broken due to uninitialized data bug
  • Command-line version cannot generate anything but QuickTime output, see

v3 - June 2012

  • Parameters for rules and paths (which can be numbers, shape adjustments, or shape specifications)
  • Random number function that has a different value each time a rule is executed.
  • Local and global variables
  • Loop variables
  • Loop finally blocks, executing code at the tail end of a loop
  • Conditional expressions: the select() and if() functions. It works like the C ?: operator, but over multiple values
  • Conditional code: switch statements and if statements
  • Included files can be placed in their own namespace to prevent name collisions
  • Numeric parameters are restricted to prevent creation of context-sensitive grammars
  • The color target feature has been replaced with something that provides the same benefit but is less confusing.
  • Shape time, allows you to specify which frames a shape is visible in during movie generation
  • New FILL primitive shape, fills the canvas with the specified color at the specified Z. Similar to the background, but you can interleaves shapes and FILLs in Z.
  • 16-bit color depth
  • M, W: Compiler and run-time messages now have a window instead of flying by on the status bar
  • M, W: Remembers window size
  • M, W: Edit->Insert menues for inserting unicode characters or CF:: names
  • time() function, allows shapes to change from frame to frame in a movie
  • 64-bit
  • User-defined functions, can be recursive, mutually recursive, return multiple values
  • Bit manipulation functions
  • More symmetry options: 1-dimensional tiling and frieze group, rotational and dihedral symmetry, wallpaper group

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v2.2.2 - September 2010

  • Bug Fixes:
    • M: Fix display error on Mac OS x 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
    • M: Fix code for handling non-ASCII characters in file names.
    • W: Restore Find/Replace function that was accidentally dropped in version 2.2
    • W: Remember window size.

v2.2.1 - August 2009

  • Bug Fixes:
    • Typos in path operation and commands will be flagged as such.
    • W: When uploading to the gallery the actual contents of the cfdg editor window will be uploaded.
    • W: Crash during upload to gallery under Windows 7 is fixed.
    • W: Layout errors under Windows 7 in the Save Image and Save Movie dialogs fixed.
    • P: PNG file colors are not pre-multiplied against the alpha channel.

v2.2 - January 2009

  • Optional size directive lets you crop your design
  • Paths for user-defined primitive shapes
  • Extensions to Loops
  • Mac and Windows clients support 6-letter variation codes
  • New client for the Windows command line
  • Windows client ported from MFC framework to .NET 2.0 framework, should compile with (free) Visual Studio Express 2005
  • Ability to set a Creative Commons license for use when uploading designs
  • Stronger random number generator used for picking random variations
  • Quiet mode for Posix and Windows command line clients suppress non-error output
  • Option to insert variation code in output file names and also to change how animation frame numbers are inserted
  • Included file names can be in double quotes, which allows for spaces in file names and file names that do not end in .cfdg
  • SVG file shapes are flattened so that they can be edited in Inkscape
  • Disappearing Features
    • Rule names cannot contain '-' or '.'
    • Rule names cannot begin with a digit
    • The following rules names are no longer allowed: path, MOVETO, LINETO, ARCTO, CURVETO, MOVEREL, LINEREL, ARCREL, CURVEREL, and CLOSEPOLY, x1, x2, y1, y2, rx, ry, p, param, width
    • Included file names must end with a .cfdg extension, be in the same directory as the original cfdg file, and contain no spaces, unless the file name is in double quotes
  • Bug Fixes
    • variation code spinner control wraps properly between variation A and variation ZZZZZZ
    • i_curves.cfdg rule names are now legal
    • very large shapes were not tiling properly
    • variations work the same on big-endian (PowerPC) and little-endian (x86) systems. Big-endian variations are still available.
    • Proper GPLv2 copyright notices are present in all files
    • QuickTime movies with transparent backgrounds work
    • Propagated alpha computation fix from 32-bit pixel formats to 24 and 8-bit pixel formats
    • Some warnings generated by GCC 4.3 have been fixed
    • Very large bezier curves do not blow up the memory requirements
    • W: tiled animations were not working
    • P: crash case on malformed cfdg files from standard input fixed
  • Known Issues
    • If you have a typo in a path operation or path command (e.g., moveto instead of MOVETO) then it will be treated as a FILL path command. The proper treatment should be to list it as an unrecognized path operation/command.
    • W: When uploading to the gallery, if you change the cfdg text in the edit window after rendering then the changed text will not be uploaded to the gallery. Context Free under Windows takes a snap-shot of the cfdg text each time it is rendered and this snap-shot is what is uploaded. The work-around is to re-render before uploading to the gallery.
    • W: Crashes during upload to gallery under Windows 7 RC1. This will probably force a minor release.
    • P: Images with transparent backgrounds are stored in the PNG file with pre-multiplied alpha, but the PNG specification says to use non-premultiplied alpha.

v2.1 - April 2007

  • Tiled rendering for cfdg mosaics
  • W,M Tiled cfdgs will display as tiled
  • W,M If the tile transform is skewed then Context Free can save a superset of the tile unit to form a rectangular grid
  • P You can pipe a cfdg file into cfdg on stdin
  • P cfdg uses 6 letter variation codes, Context Free still uses 3 letter codes
  • W,M You can upload directly from Context Free to the gallery site
  • W The color calculator is completely revamped to be easier to use (and the code is less hideous now)
  • W Instead of installing a local copy of the runtime DLLs (always a bad idea), the Windows runtime installer is executed from the Context Free installer
  • Only generates 32-bit PNG files if the background is non-opaque, otherwise generates 8- or 24-bit PNG files
  • Upgraded from AGG 2.3 to AGG 2.5
  • Bug Fixes
    • non-opaque shapes composited correctly
    • startshape, tile, and background directives after the first are now ignored
    • M Fixed URLs in help menu
    • P Makefile fixes for various Unix/Linux
    • W Fixed bug in registration of .cfdg file extension
    • W,M cfdg files with spaces in the file name can be uploaded

v2.0 - September 2006

  • New output formats: QuickTime movies, SVG vector graphics, and JPEG (Windows only)
  • Ability to control size of border around images
  • Z-axis support for controlling which shapes go on top and which go behind.
  • Simple loop syntax to eliminate tedious repetition of shapes
  • More predictable rendering algorithm: always renders the largest shape
  • Performance improved by profiling and refactoring
  • W Migrated to Visual Studio 2005
  • Bug fixes:
    • Transparent backgrounds are now handled correctly
    • Doesn't crash with infinitely increasing cfdg files
    • Variations are now consistent across all platforms and compilers
    • W Cropped image save works
    • W Find/Replace works
    • M dialog edit control bug fixed
    • M SVG file save works

v1.2 - September 2005

  • Fixed shape render ordering bug when shapes spill to temporary files.
  • W Fixed PNG save file name issues with non-English versions of Windows.

v1.2 experimental - July & August 2005

Contexts 2 3 Download Free Windows 7

  • Support for color and alpha: See Announcements forum for details
  • Welcome.cfdg colorized
  • Added Rose.cfdg color example
  • Optimized finished shape memory usage (faster temporary file operations)
  • Fixed bugs in rendering size adjustment which caused some ellipses to look like polygons, and some shapes to not align correctly
  • W,M Added Color Picker / Calculator for helping to compute color adjustment values
  • M Temporary fix for Render with dimensions dialog bug: Removed thousands separator.
  • Fixed bug in hue conversion that caused black shapes. (fixed 7/28)
  • changes in August 5th update:
  • Black shape bug fixed
  • Added background syntax
  • Removed '=' syntax for hue, sat, brightness, and alpha
  • Added limit syntax for hue, sat, brightness, and alpha
  • Removed startshape parameters
  • W Color Picker matches same functionality of Mac Color Calculator

v1.1 - July 2005

Contexts 2 3 Download Free Download

  • Simple adjustment code replaced with general affine transform code and new transforms added: anisotropic scaling, skew (shear), and reflection
  • New syntax for controlling the order that the affine transforms are applied
  • Equilateral triangles added
  • Circle/ellipse code sped-up
  • Digits added to i_pix.cfdg, Chris' i_polygons.cfdg added
  • W,M Lesson files put in Help menu as well
  • W New status icon
  • W Opening a given example twice gives the second a unique name
  • P Missing include files added

v1.0.3 - June 2005

  • W Fixed a crash when trying to open a non-existent file
  • W Opening examples no longer affects the recently-used files list

v1.0.2 - May 2005

  • W Fixed some crashes with Untitled and unrendered documents
  • W Increated max image size to 32768x32768 pixels

v1.0 - May 2005

  • Rendering with the Anti-Grain Geometry library: Looks equally incredible on all platforms!
  • Fix bug when no shapes are rendered: reported image size is reasonable
  • Images properly centered in all cases on all platforms
  • W Better display of generated images that are larger than the window
  • W Empty documents don't try to auto-render
  • W Smooth drawing during window resize
  • W Render-to-size settings are now persistent
  • P Oversampling (-x) option removed, as AGG rendering is anti-aliased
  • P Fixed bug with height option (-h), it now works
  • P Build is optimized (-O3)

v0.9 beta2 - May 2005

  • W Fixed error in coordinate handling that incorrectly cropped images
  • W Cropping is now a rendering option, not a save option
  • W Fixed bug in MDI framework code
  • W Significant performance and UI enhancements when rendering very large images

v0.9 beta - May 2005

  • Improved temp file handling and reporting
  • Report syntax errors in libraries with correct line number
  • Fine tuning of rendering operations for each platform
  • Many more examples
  • W,M On syntax error: high-light line with error
  • W,M New application icon (subtle)
  • M About box links now work
  • M Rendering dimensions must now be at least 32x32
  • W On Windows XP, use new user interface look
  • W MDI application with tabbed interface
  • W Support open documents from Explorer when already running
  • W Top bar dynamically adjusts
  • W Render with GDI+, looks much better and huge dimensions work (we've done 10k x 10k!)
  • W Variation controls
  • W Rendering commands (menus, context menus, dialogs) improved
  • W Image cropping option on save
  • W Added user preferences
  • W Integration with shell finally works
  • P Anti-aliasing via over-sampling
  • P New command line processing and options: save cropped, over-sample rate & variation code

v0.2.2 alpha - May 2005

  • W Fixed failure to load on Windows 98/Me
  • M Fixed crash on second 'Save Image' command
  • M Show cropped image size in status bar
  • M Added 'Send Feedback.' to Help menu
  • Improved cropped rectangle calculation

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